Monday, February 3, 2020

Coventry City vs Birmingham City. 25/01/2020. (2/8).

Today we have a the Drone Team's Ford Transit, BX67 FVG with the very odd door/roof code of 023, I literally have no idea what that's all about, this was the first occasion I've had a problem with the Drone Team which is maybe because it's gone from being more ex Operational Support Unit officers to those from Force Response, apparently I 'wasn't allowed' anywhere near the 'Drone Site', which I may add was on public land adjacent to a canal footpath and was not taped off in any fashion, what left a bad taste in the mouth was the officer even knew fully well who I was, I did get a semi apology later in the day which included the two classics 'terrorism' and 'health and safety' which is a load of crap as when there's been a cordon and I've been invited to see the Drone Team at work and take photos on many occasions, anyway, I didn't set this blog up to moan but when I credit nice and friendly officers then the opposite also has to be done. Then we have two Force Support Unit Mercedes Benz Sprinter Police Support Units, BX67 FUD (FSR030), BX67 FUM (FSR028), this has the distinction of being the first Sprinter sent to West Midlands Police on trial and is the only Carrier with a 'escape hatch', after WMP decided they weren't necessary and went for windows that could be kicked or punched out instead and finally we have an Operational Support Unit Police Support Unit, BX67 FSY (OPS124) (U2B). All photos taken at the Coventry City vs Birmingham City football match which took place on Saturday 25th January 2020.

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